Would you like to increase the learning efficiency and/or cost-effectiveness of your current training program(s)? If so, our training department audit services are designed to help you find solutions to your concerns.

What this service addresses:

  • Analyzes the organization, management, and administration of the training department and suggests how it can be made more responsive and cost-effective.


  • Justify the need to change (or not change) your training organization
  • Eliminate waste/inefficiencies
  • Adopt management best practices
  • Maximize available resources
  • Bring training into the mainstream of the organization

Questions and issues addressed by this service:

  1. Do you have sufficient resources to achieve your training goals?
  2. Are they the right resources?
  3. Do you need more dedicated resources?
  4. Is your training department consulted/included in major business decisions?
  5. Are training positions/assignments perceived as desirable?
  6. Are training positions/assignments considered career enhancing? Career limiting?
  7. Are you utilizing your resources to the fullest extent?
  8. Do you have the right mix of resources, e.g., in-house vs. out-sourced?
  9. Would you like your resources to result in more/better training?
  10. Do you have training policies and procedures?
    1. If yes, are they
      1. Documented?
      2. Comprehensive and cover all aspects of your training, e.g., classroom training, distance learning, self-directed learning, etc.?
      3. Clear/effective?
      4. Up-to-date?
      5. Known/familiar to your employees?