Build a High-Performance Team with TrainSMART’s Customized Train-the-Trainer

Regarding proprietary systems, products, and programs, having a qualified team ready and eager to train others is crucial for long-term success. However, recruiting, preparing, and mobilizing trainers takes time and strategic planning. That’s where TrainSMART comes in.

For over a decade, we’ve partnered with organizations of all sizes to build customized train-the-trainer programs that rapidly scale training capabilities. With our expertise, you can have a fully operational training team up and running with minimal disruption to your staff. Keep reading to learn more about how TrainSMART can unlock your team’s full potential.

Your Team Learns to Train Like Experts

With the TrainSMART train-the-trainer approach, your new trainers will learn to facilitate active participation, engagement, and cooperation among trainees. We’ll work collaboratively to incorporate your existing content while developing any new curriculum that may be needed.

Our training experts and instructional design team will identify techniques like teach-backs, co-facilitating, and master trainers to empower your staff with the confidence and skills required for impactful instruction. We’ll optimize the training time and flow so your team walks away prepared to train others efficiently and effectively.

We Set You Up for Ongoing Success

With TrainSMART, you aren’t just getting a one-time training session. We take a holistic approach to make sure your company is set up for success over the long term. Here are some of the key elements we focus on:

  • Sustainable Knowledge Transfer – We ensure expertise gets institutionalized across your organization.
  • Feedback Mechanisms – Your trainers will learn to evaluate proficiency and provide constructive feedback properly.
  • Continuous Improvement – We build processes for ongoing enhancement of skills and curriculum.
  • Compliance & Governance – Important considerations like risk mitigation and regulatory requirements are addressed.

The goal is to have a training program that meets your unique needs while aligning with industry best practices for impact and longevity.

A Custom Train-the-Trainer Solution Built For You

TrainSMART recognizes that every organization has different priorities, strengths, challenges, and goals. That’s why we offer flexible and customizable solutions tailored to your specific situation. When you partner with us, you’ll get:

  • A Consultative Approach – Our experts become an extension of your team to understand your needs.
  • Bespoke Programs – Enjoy end-to-end solutions designed around your business.
  • Industry Leading Practices – Our programs incorporate the most effective methodologies.
  • Efficient Processes – We work to minimize disruption and maximize existing resources.
  • Measurable Results – You’ll get regular progress reports and key metrics.

Real Results from TrainSMART

Over 500 companies have trusted TrainSMART to build successful training programs that empower their teams to confidently educate others. We have many more examples of the tangible ROI and growth our clients have experienced. Contact us today to learn more about partnering with TrainSMART.

Start Unlocking Your Team’s Potential Now

Don’t leave your training capabilities up to chance. Invest in building an exceptional team ready to educate others on your mission-critical systems and knowledge. TrainSMART has a proven framework to make that happen rapidly and effectively.

Call or email us today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll discuss your goals, existing resources, and ideal outcomes. From there, we can build a strategic roadmap to unlock your team’s full potential as trainers.

Now is the time to get proactive about scaling your training capacity. Partner with the experts at TrainSMART to turn your staff into confident, capable educators ready to drive results throughout your organization.

About TrainSMART

TrainSMART is a leading provider of train-the-trainer programs trusted by over 500 companies globally. Our team of experts partners with organizations of all sizes and industries to build skilled training teams that facilitate learning of proprietary systems, products, and programs.

Since 2008, TrainSMART revolutionized the train-the-trainer space by taking a holistic, consultative, and customized approach. Our goal is to ensure training is efficient, engaging, and effective for the long-term success of your organization.

Over the past decade, we have helped thousands of professionals become confident trainers of proprietary content. Clients consistently rate our train-the-trainer solutions as exceeding expectations and delivering tangible ROI.

When you partner with TrainSMART, you get:

  • A consultative approach to deeply understanding your business and objectives
  • Custom-built curriculum and methodologies designed around your needs
  • Seamless integration with your existing systems and content
  • Measurable results focused on your key metrics
  • Continuous improvement processes for long-term success

Don’t settle for an off-the-shelf program – get custom training that sets your team up for success.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Let’s explore your goals and build a strategic roadmap to unlock your team’s full potential as trainers.

The time is now to invest in custom training that drives real impact.