Turn Good Service Into great Experiences

Today’s business world is more highly competitive than ever before. With the economy still struggling and many organizations fighting for survival, there is one thing that can make the difference between your company’s success and failure…excellent customer service.

The problem is – that too many organizations have customer service reps who don’t put a high enough priority on dazzling the customer!

Too many CSRs are just not trained or motivated in how to effectively deal with customer service issues. This results in your customers going to your competitors, where you will spend untold dollars winning them back or replacing them. Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for this customer ‘revolving door’ …

Today, you can change the direction of your organization by committing to bring TrainSMART on-site to train your customer service representatives.

Participating in a TrainSMART customer service training workshop, your employees will learn the following:

  • How to win with your customers
  • What quality customer service means
  • The four primary reasons why outstanding customer service is crucial
  • Developing a customer service perspective
  • Why exceptional customer service is essential to you. Hint — your job depends on it!
  • The four steps to quality customer service
  • Dealing with various types of customer personalities & scenarios
  • Effectively responding to varying customer behaviors
  • Establishing and maintaining trust with repeat customers
  • Developing more extraordinary customer negotiation/problem-solving skills
  • Much more…

Customer Service Training Course Outline

  • Customer Service Impact: repeat, referral, and retention
  • Communication Skills: verbal, visual, vocal communication, listening skills, asking questions, giving instructions
  • Communication Styles: adjusting communication to fit the style of the customer
  • Communication Etiquette: strategies to engage the customer, ways to say thank you, go beyond being polite and exciting!
  • Developing and delivering a positive, service attitude
  • Email Etiquette and phone etiquette
  • Basic problem-solving skills
  • Strategies to manage challenging customers and emotions
  • Creating the WOW: Moving from satisfying customer expectations to exceeding customer expectations
  • Creating a customer-focused culture: every interaction is an opportunity!
  • Role Play: Practicing the skills

Hire TrainSMART To Improve Your Customer Service Soft Skills Today!


    Regus Floor 12
    1600 Golf Road Ste. 1200
    Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
    Office: 847-209-6606
    Toll Free: 800-807-8030
    Email: inquiries@trainsmartinc.com