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Communicating For Impact and influence in the Workplace

Effective workplace communication is an important workplace skill to have! One that can have a significant impact on your ability to influence and create positive change within your organization. Whether you’re trying to persuade colleagues to adopt a new idea or convince your boss to implement a new process, how you communicate your message can make all the difference.

This TrainSMART blog shares six tips on how to communicate for impact and influence in the workplace.

Tip 1: Know Your Audience.

To effectively communicate, know your audience. You need to understand the goals and motivations of those you’re communicating with. This step helps you to deliver an impactful message that resonates with them and moves them to action.

For example, if trying to persuade your boss to invest in new technology, you need to understand his or her priorities and concerns. If focused on improving efficiency, highlight how this technology can help them achieve their goal.

Step 2: Use Data and Evidence

Use data and evidence to support your message because it is a powerful way to influence others. People are more likely to be persuaded by facts and figures than by emotional appeals or personal opinions.

For example, if trying to convince your team to adopt a new process, use data to demonstrate how other organizations achieved success. This approach builds credibility and makes your argument more persuasive.

Step 3: Use Clear, Concise Language.

Clear, concise language is essential when communicating for influence and impact. Make sure that your message is easy to understand and that it avoids misinterpretation.

One way to ensure clarity is to use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience. You should also be concise and focus on the key points you want to make.

Step 4: Listen Actively.

Active listening is an essential component of effective communication because it forces you to pay attention to what the other person is saying so that you respond in a way that reflects understanding and respect for their perspective.

When trying to influence others, active listening helps you identify their concerns and objections which helps you address them and build a more persuasive argument.

Step 5: Be Confident and Assertive!

Confidence and assertiveness are important because you want to come across as believing in your proposal! If your delivery is ho-hum the risk of failure increases dramatically.

And assertiveness doesn’t mean being aggressive or confrontational; rather, you need to focus on being clear and direct, and not being afraid to state and maintain your position.

Step 6: Follow Up.

Following up shows that you’re committed to your message and that you value the other person’s input.

After communicating your message, follow up with your audience to see if they have any questions or concerns. This step helps you to build trust and rapport and increases the likelihood of your audience being more receptive to your ideas in the future.

By mastering these six steps, your goal of becoming an effective communicator capable of influencing and creating positive change in the workplace can be realized. Just remember to:

  • Know your audience!
  • Use data and evidence!
  • Use clear and concise language!
  • Listen actively!
  • Be confident and assertive!
  • Follow up!

In conclusion, effective communication is crucial to achieving success in the workplace. By implementing these six tips – knowing your audience, using data and evidence, using clear and concise language, actively listening, being confident and assertive, and following up – you can become a skilled communicator capable of influencing and creating positive change.

By taking the time to understand your audience, using facts and figures to support your message, and being clear and confident in your delivery, you can persuade others to adopt your ideas and help drive success in your organization. So start putting these tips into practice and watch your communication skills soar!