Mastering the Art of Influence and Persuasion: Techniques for Effective Communication and Leadership

In today’s fast-paced business world, influence is essential for driving change, gaining buy-in, and accomplishing goals through collaborative efforts. Yet persuading and influencing others virtually poses new challenges for leaders and professionals.

That’s why TrainSMART developed Influence and Persuasion Training. Through interactive virtual training sessions, your team will gain the mindset, knowledge, and techniques to master influence and achieve results in a remote environment.

Whether working cross-functionally without authority, leading virtual teams, or persuading external partners, this training will equip your staff to:

  • Utilize ethical persuasion to gain willing cooperation rather than manipulative coercion
  • Analyze situations to determine optimal influencing strategies and techniques
  • Harness the power of storytelling and metaphors for maximum persuasive impact
  • Project confidence and credibility when presenting proposals and ideas
  • Leverage neuro-linguistic programming to connect on deeper levels
  • Skillfully push or pull diverse personalities toward shared goals
  • Overcome common virtual persuasion pitfalls like lack of personal connection

Your team will participate in highly interactive virtual sessions focused on the practical application of influencing skills through:

  • Real-world scenarios and roleplay
  • Peer coaching and feedback
  • Small group discussions and activities
  • Skills practice and development of personal action plans

The virtual format makes training convenient, cost-effective, and accessible for remote staff.

With the mindsets, knowledge, and techniques from this training, your staff will be equipped to:

  • Lead and collaborate with greater influence to drive results
  • Persuade others and gain willing buy-in for ideas and initiatives
  • Build consensus and commitment within teams and across the organization
  • Confidently present proposals and effectively tailor messaging
  • Accomplish organizational goals through positive influence and persuasion

In today’s complex business environment, progress and success depend on the ability to persuade. Give your team the skills to master influence with TrainSMART’s Virtual Influence and Persuasion Training.

Target Audience:

Anyone who wants to improve their skills to influence and persuade others to accomplish goals and commitments.

The Problem:

Influencing without Authority for cross-functional teams; working with contractors; working as a virtual team, and several other areas are more challenging to gain consensus on a common goal.

Course Outline:

  • Understanding the differences between persuasion, influence, and manipulation
  • Preparing to Persuade (communicating with confidence, planning, and pushing vs. pulling
  • Using the Five S’s
  • Presentation Strategies
  • Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming – an addition to your toolkit

Ready For Training

Ready to boost your team’s influence and persuasion skills? Please call 800-807-8030 to speak with a training expert about our Virtual Influence and Persuasion Training. Or fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you to discuss your organization’s needs and create a customized training plan that fits your goals and budget. Invest in your team’s professional growth while saving time and money with our expertly designed virtual training. Call or complete the form today to learn more!