Delivering the training solutions you need when you need them!

Re-training is becoming common in the business world today. With the ever-changing economy, companies (both small and large) need to be flexible enough to adapt to new market conditions. This often involves training your employees on new processes and procedures while maintaining their focus on the task at hand. Some of the reasons your employees may need additional training are:

  • Swapping out major software systems
  • A merger or acquisition of another company (or your company being acquired)
  • Exterior forces such as new government regulations
  • The need for your employees to enhance/improve their soft skills

Most often, the best way to perform the necessary employee training to keep your employees ‘on task’ is by making it available on-site.

The Benefits of On-Site Training

Training your employees on-site offers several advantages over sending them to an outside facility located across town or across the country. These include:

  • Customization
  • Reduced costs vs. traveling to a public training session
  • Greater learning consistency
  • Less employee downtime

On-Site Training Topics

At TrainSmart, we deliver various on-site training programs customized to support your company’s language, values, and beliefs. Some of our training topics include:

The TrainSmart Solution

TrainSmart can become your full-service training department, delivering solutions to all your on-site training needs. When you partner with us, you gain several advantages, including:

Fully customized content and delivery We customize our training systems to fit your team, department, and/or your entire organization.individual's needs.

Fully customized content and delivery

We customize our training systems to fit your team, department, and/or your entire organization individual’s needs.

Flexible scheduling We deliver single session or multiple sessions to meet your timeframes, work schedules, and employee needs/expectations.

Flexible scheduling

We deliver single session or multiple sessions to meet your timeframes, work schedules, and employee needs/expectations.

Reduced overall costs On-site is typically less expensive than sending employees off-site. In addition, on-site allows us to develop common languages and terms that reduce communication issues when your employees are back on the job.

Reduced overall costs

On-site training is typically less expensive than sending employees off-site. In addition, on-site allows us to develop common languages and terms that reduce communication issues when your employees are back on the job.

Immediate on-the-job application Employees can immediately apply what they have learned.

Immediate on-the-job application

Employees can immediately apply what they have learned.

Confidentiality is not compromised What happens on-site, stays on-site.

Confidentiality is not compromised

What happens on-site, stays on-site.

Building cohorts teams We can build cohorts teams that result in more productive, more efficient relationships.

Building cohorts teams

We can build cohorts teams that result in more productive, more efficient relationships.

Cutting-edge technology We stay on top of all the latest technological developments in the industry, always bringing the most efficient and cost-effective methods into your organization.

Cutting-edge technology

We stay on top of all the latest technological developments in the industry, always bringing the most efficient and cost-effective methods into your organization.

Industry-leading experience Our best-in-the-industry facilitators bring years of extensive experience and expertise into your company.

Industry-leading experience

Our best-in-the-industry facilitators bring years of extensive experience and expertise into your company.